Audio-Technica ATH-W1000X Headphones

February 3, 2011

Sebastian Eilzer has posted a review of the Audio-Technica ATH-W1000X headphones (€748) at 6moons. His conclusions:

The W1000X is the latest evolutionary installment of the ATH-W wood series which for me finally cashes in fully on Audio-Technica’s established house sound. Versus the predecessors bass power has been significantly increased and particularly the midband has gained in mass vis-à-vis the W1000. The ATH-W1000X excels at electronica and Jazz where its liveliness and impulse response are fully exploited. As a user of multiple headphones the W1000X would be an ideal second choice. It presents a very different perspective to models by AKG and Sennheiser. Its closed alignment makes for an attractive complement to their open models. Should a K701 or HD650 start to sound boring, a reach for the W1000X will turn the tables. Fans of more minimalist mixes could well find the Audio-Technica suitable as their only choice. In matters of wear comfort and finish, this model takes no prisoner. Rather it shadows most the competition.

You can read the full review here.