Oyaide Across 750 RR V2, Tunami II SP-B V2, and Tunami GPX-R V2 Cables

March 5, 2015


Wojciech Pacula has posted a review of the Oyaide Across 750 RR V2 interconnect (~€200), Tunami II SP-B V2 speaker cables (~€800), and Tunami GPX-R V2 power cord (~€700) at High Fidelity. His conclusions:

“A sound of new Oyaide cables is very rich and dense. Both sound range extremes are slightly rolled off, although it is not that obvious when one just listens to the music. But when one knows what to look for, one will find that out in every recording. A part of the treble seems slightly emphasized. Not much, just a bit so that phantom images seem more distinct, presented closer to the listener.”

You can read the full review here.