Oppo PM-2 Headphones

November 23, 2014


Kyle has posted a review of the Oppo PM-2 Planar magnetic headphones ($699) at Headfonics. His conclusions:

“What OPPO has done in making a planar as efficient as some of my IEMs is nothing short of amazing, but OPPO seems to actually listen to people, so please, just fix these the treble and bass problems (and maybe a little more midrange and air) and you’d have a headphone that rivals the best Audeze and other warm-sound-favored companies have to offer. But that extra stuff would likely result in a headphone that costs much more than the PM2. $699 is a lot of money for a headphone, and I never like recommending people buy anything that costs more than $300, but I can’t think of a better “buy one, use forever” highish-end headphone than the PM2. The magic with these headphones isn’t that will “wow” you at first listen, but that it allows one to ease into its sound and consistently sounds at least decent no matter where they are used, be it a cell phone or a megabuck amplifier. That’s more than I can say about most headphones.”

You can read the full review here.

You can find links to more reviews of the Oppo PM-2 headphones here.