OPPO HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier-DAC and PM-3 Headphones

June 19, 2015


Maurice Jeffries has posted a review of the OPPO HA-2 portable headphone amplifier-DAC ($299) and PM-3 headphones ($399) at Stereo Times. His conclusions:

“So there you have it, micro-verse maniacs. The Oppo HA-2/PM-3 combo offers superb build quality, excellent ergonomics and great sound at a bargain price. The PM-3′s closed-back architecture does a great job blocking external noise, and the HA-2 amp prodded every phone in my house (an admittedly small lineup) to deliver its best. Warmly recommended then, with the noted caveats.”

You can read the full review here.