“Since the advent of the CD, listeners have been deprived of the full experience of listening.” - Neil Young PonoPlayers...
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Nordost introduced its latest cable at CES - The Missing Link bi-wire jumpers, as well as some new cones whose name escapes me.
Roy Gregory served as Master of Ceremonies and did comparisons of standard brass jumpers, Furutech jumpers, Kimber (I think) jumpers, and the new Nordost jumpers. Everyone was shaking their heads in agreement that they heard a difference and the Nordost jumpers were obviously better. I remain agnostic. It took roughly 60 seconds to perform the switch and I am not at all sure I could remember what the previous iteration sounded like. I had a long chat with Roy afterwards and he assured me that if I heard them in my system at home, the improvement would be readily apparent. With respect to Roy, to paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi, the power of suggestion is strong in this one.
I also discussed with Roy how things were going with the measurement initiative Nordost announced at RMAF and the continued testing being done by Acuity, their “knowledge partner.” He said that that they were going back over all of their data, testing with additional CD players, and even developing testing protocols for amplifiers. Their preliminary conclusion is that the data errors are the result of mechanical vibrations in the cables. He said that all of the data was going up on their website in the next week or so. Roy consented to an interview, so as soon as I have a chance to review their charts and commentary, I will prepare questions and get the off to him. Stay tuned.
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